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Hanna’s Cold Winter

Hanna’s Cold Winter

Hanna's Cold Winter

by Trish Marx
illustrated by Barbara Knutson
Purple House Press
Hardcover 978-1-93090-040-0

Hanna's Cold Winter artworkHanna was a hippopotamus in the Budapest zoo. Hanna and the other hippos thrived in the warm springs which flowed from the ground.

One winter, however, it was so cold that the river froze. There was a war going on, and the people and animals were starving. But the people of Budapest made a plan to save their beloved hippos.

This heartwarming story, based on a true incident that took place during World War II, is beautifully told by Trish Marx. Barb Knutson’s charming illustrations magically evoke the faraway place and time.

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Reviews for Hanna’s Cold Winter

“A curious true incident is incorporated into a pleasant glimpse of a Budapest family during WW II. Tibor describes Sunday outings, on Papa’s day off from the paprika factory, to see the bridge over the Danube or visit the hippopotamuses at the zoo, where they thrive in the natural warm springs. But wartime shortages threaten hippos, even more than people, until Papa suggests feeding them straw, such as that in their own doormat; the hippos then survive the war’s coldest winter by eating 9,000 straw hats and slippers contributed by loyal fans. The war is offstage here; what’s of interest is the warm period picture of family and city, authentically portrayed in Knutson’s adroitly sketched pencil and watercolor art.”
Kirkus Reviews